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Jury Define In Law


A jury is a group of people empowered to make findings of fact and render a verdict for a trial. The meaning of JURY is a body of persons sworn to give a verdict on some matter submitted to them. In trials a group of people who are selected and sworn to inquire into matters of fact and to reach a verdict. A jury is a group of people summoned and sworn to decide on the facts in issue at a trial The jury is composed of people. A group of people who have been chosen to listen to all the facts in a trial in a law court and to decide if a person is guilty. A jury is a sworn body of people jurors convened to hear evidence make findings of fact and render an impartial. A citizens right to a trial by jury is a central feature of the United States Constitution..

A jury is a group of people empowered to make findings of fact and render a verdict for a trial. The meaning of JURY is a body of persons sworn to give a verdict on some matter submitted to them. In trials a group of people who are selected and sworn to inquire into matters of fact and to reach a verdict. A jury is a group of people summoned and sworn to decide on the facts in issue at a trial The jury is composed of people. A group of people who have been chosen to listen to all the facts in a trial in a law court and to decide if a person is guilty. A jury is a sworn body of people jurors convened to hear evidence make findings of fact and render an impartial. A citizens right to a trial by jury is a central feature of the United States Constitution..


A petit jury sometimes called a traverse jury is a body that is sworn in to try the facts of the case. The meaning of PETIT JURY is a jury of 12 persons impaneled to. Petit juries render a verdict of guiltynot guilty in a criminal case or in favor of a defendant or plaintiff in a civil case. A petit jury is a trial jury for both civil and criminal cases The petit jury listens to evidence offered. Definition of petit jury A jury that hears and decides on a lawsuit or criminal prosecution named petit small to. The ordinary panel of twelve persons called to issue a verdict in a civil action or a criminal prosecution..
