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Jehovah Witness Beliefs

Jehovah's Witnesses: Exploring Unique Beliefs and Practices

A Glimpse into the History and Tenets of Faith

Origins and Principles

Jehovah's Witnesses, formally known as the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, trace their origins back to the late 19th century and the teachings of Charles Taze Russell. As a distinct religious group, they strive to adhere to the practices and beliefs taught by Jesus Christ and his apostles.

Beliefs and Interpretation

Jehovah's Witnesses hold the Bible in high regard, considering it scientifically and historically accurate. They interpret much of its content literally while also accepting its reliability. Central to their faith is the belief that God's true name is Jehovah, which they assert is essential for proper identification.

Divine Hierarchy and Jesus's Role

They believe that Jesus is God's only direct creation and that everything else was created through him. As a result, they hold that Jesus is subordinate to God and that he played a crucial role in the creation of the universe and the establishment of God's kingdom.
